This album by Dying Fetus still hails in my mind as my favorite metal album of all time. This was Dying Fetus' only album with their superstar lineup which I believe was the pinnacle of their career in 1999. John Gallagher on Vocals and Guitar, Jason Netherton on Bass and Vocals, John Voyles on Guitar, and Kevin Talley on Drums. The band, (or myself for that matter) wasn't the same after everyone except Gallagher left and formed my second favorite band, Misery Index (a less death metal, more grind approach).
The chemistry between Jason Netherton and John Gallagher is what I believe makes this album soar and what got me hooked on Dying Fetus years ago. They both compliment each other perfect, like Jimmy Paige and Robert Plant, like David Gilmore and Roger Waters. Both are good nonetheless without the other, but when they are together, its fucking magical. Gallaghers deep guttural vocals and extremely catchy, strong, slamming guitar riffs combined with Nethertons angry pissed off vocals and with his memorable, technical, and fast grindcore influence equals a priceless piece of music that will make you break shit while listening to it.
Talley's drumming is perfect. Great production sound, but most of all very complimentary of the other musicians. The drumming is not too over-powering, sloppy, or all over the place like later album War of Attrition (which is the epitome of utter garbage). Its technical and fast, holding blast beats, having appropriate fills, and accenting whats going on musically perfect, while standing out as a critical role to the bands over sound of force and malice.
For a death/grind fan,it doesn't get better than this album. If you want to hear Dying Fetus' quintessential release, this is it.