Thursday, November 11, 2010

Darkness Reborn Setlist (2010)

Just saw the setlist for Dimmu Borgir's upcoming tour, Darkness Reborn, featuring Enslaved.

I am crushed...I knew there would be ALOT of new material on each bands side, but jesus christ almost half of Dimmu's set is from their newest abomination Abrahadabra...Ugh, I hate it when bands do this...There is not one song from either of their best albums For All Tid or Stormblast. I should have came to terms with this when I bought these tickets taking into consideration the slope this band has been sliding on for almost a decade...

But I still had hope...Thats where Enslaved comes in...Their newest album Axioma Ethica Odini is pretty fucking good. Such a vast improvement from where they were heading...They give me hope that even when a band starts going downhill, they still have the potential in them to create a masterpiece.

So here is the setlist if you are going to see this tour.

Ethica Odini
Fusion of Sense & Earth
The Beacon

Dimmu Borgir:
Spellbound (By the Devil)
The Chosen Legacy
Dimmu Borgir
Chess With the Abyss
Born Treacherous
A Jewel Traced Through Coal
The Blazing Monoliths of Defiance
The Serpentine Offering
Progenies of the Great Apocalypse
Mourning Palace
Perfection or Vanity