1) Mortifera - Maledictiih
What a fucking joke...It was hard for me to believe that they went from what I believe was one of the best black metal albums to come out of France, Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera, to this bullshit....Biggest disappointment of the year.
2) Drudkh - A Handful of Stars
Drudkh is in my top 5 bands for sure, and this album made me embarrassed to say I even support their music which is why this release upset me the most. It did not come out of left field like the Mortifera album because Drudkh's previous release Microcosmos was borderline mediocrity for Drudkh...But this...Wow, what a fucking atrocity!
3) Dimmu Borgir - Abrahadabra
Another tragic tale of a once epic black metal band turned sour. This came as no suprise, because honestly they havent put out a decent record in almost 10 years but I still have hope for them. How I long for the days when Dimmu were actually were good. They will always have a nostalgic essence being one of the first black metal bands I listened to (along with Immortal and Burzum) but their days of symphonic black metal have came to an all time low. Seeing them live this year made me realize, how butt-fuckingly gay they are becoming. I wouldnt be surprised if they are being bought out by Hot Topic with the way their sound and image has been heading.
4) Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier
I will probably be burned at the stake for committing heresy right now, but honestly Iron Maiden need to seriously just throw in the towel already...Seriously...Just stop..
5) Pathology - Legacy of The Ancients
One of my favorite brutal death metal bands is definitely on a downward slope...Their previous work, Age of Onset was the start of them steering away from themes of Gore to themes of aliens and conspiracy theories...What the fuck...Their first two releases are still damn fine brutal death metal, but Im starting to wonder about their future...