Thursday, September 23, 2010
Drudkh - A Handful of Stars (2010)
Drudkh is a band that I hold in high admiration because most of their albums blow me away with its musicianship and emotion. They are a gem in the vast field of metal and truly one of a kind. So with that in mind...After a few minutes into the second song off A Handful of Stars, I said to myself, "What the fuck is this?!?..." The biggest buzzkill was the guitars. They used a very light distortion and their riffs are boring and lifeless. The complete opposite of what I comes to mind when I think of Drudkh.
It was seriously a chore to listen to the whole album. The only thing that motivated me to get through it, was the hope that somewhere in that 42 minutes of my life I spent listening to this album, there would be a moment I felt I was doing something worth my time. That moment came as soon as the album ended.
First its the new Mortifera album, then the new Dimmu Borgir album, now Drudkh have jumped on the bandwagon for biggest let downs of the year. 2010 have released alot of great albums, but this is inexcusable horse shit.
Im pissed.